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Basic Structure of an HTML Document
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Basic Structure of an HTML Document
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Basic Structure of an HTML Document

 An HTML document consists of elements enclosed within tags. Here’s a simple example of a basic HTML document structure:

Key Components of HTML

  1. Doctype Declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>):

    • Specifies the document type and version of HTML (HTML5 in this case).
  2. HTML Element (<html>...</html>):

    • The root element of the HTML document.
  3. Head Element (<head>...</head>):

    • Contains meta-information about the document such as the title, character encoding, and links to stylesheets.
  4. Body Element (<body>...</body>):

    • Contains the content of the web page, including text, images, and other media.
  5. Header (<header>...</header>):

    • Typically contains introductory content or navigational links.
  6. Navigation (<nav>...</nav>):

    • Contains navigation links.
  7. Main (<main>...</main>):

    • Represents the dominant content of the <body>.
  8. Section (<section>...</section>):

    • Defines sections in a document.
  9. Footer (<footer>...</footer>):

    • Contains footer content, typically including contact information, copyright, etc.
  10. Common HTML Tags

    • Headings: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.
    • Paragraph: <p>
    • Links: <a href="URL">Link Text</a>
    • Images: <img src="imageURL" alt="description">
    • Lists:
      • Ordered List: <ol> <li>Item</li> </ol>
      • Unordered List: <ul> <li>Item</li> </ul>
  11. Attributes

    Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. They are specified within the opening tag and are written as name-value pairs.

    • href: Specifies the URL of a link (used with <a>).
    • src: Specifies the path to an image file (used with <img>).
    • alt: Provides alternative text for an image if it cannot be displayed

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